Call Recorder 1.0
Best call recorder application to recordincoming and outgoing calls automatically.✓. Record your all calls automatically while calling or askevery-time to record new call.✓. Organize your call records. You can see calls as all callsrecords, only incoming, only outgoing, date and time and by nameseasily.✓. Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.✓. Play, save and delete, call recordings✓. Ignore recording for specific contact or phone number✓. Add caller phone number to contacts✓. See caller history✓. Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or 3GPP encoding/ format.✓. You can play back, or save your files on your SD card im mp3,wav, mp4, amr or 3gpp format.✓. Audio Source options are also available. Try to change audiosource only when default audio source (MIC) not work or notrecording calls.✓. Different options of audio quality are available. You can choose44.1kHz (It might not work on some devices) for high quality orselect lower sample rate for low quality audio recording. 8kHz isrecommended for call recording.✓. Notification with caller image.✓. Vibrate device on start of call recording.✓. Notification on device on start of call recording with blinkinglight (if your device supports it).✓. You can listen your communication or calls recordings in your ondevice default audio player.✓. Automatically on device speaker to record better qualityvoice.✓. Password protection of recordings using applock plus linkadded.✓. It’s FREE!Simple Call Recorder application that has an ability to:- Enable/Disable call recording- Records all your phone calls- Play/Stop recorded audio by touch on the item- Delete recorded items- Lock recorded items to prevent from auto-cleaningRecord any phone call you want and choose which calls you want tosave. You can set which calls are recorded and which are ignored.Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. Integration withGoogle Drive™ and Dropbox allows calls to be saved and synchronizedto the cloud as well.Google Drive integration works on Android versions 3.0 andabove.Please note that call recording does not work on certain handsetsand can result in inferior quality recordings. We therefore suggestthat you try the free version before purchasing the paid app.If you encounter any recording issues or wish to improve voicequality, try recording from a different audio source, or useauto-on speaker mode.Recorded calls are stored in the Inbox. You can change thedestination recordings folder to an external SD card as well. Youcan set the size of the inbox. The number of saved calls is limitedonly by your device memory. If you decide that a conversation isimportant, save it and it will be stored in the Saved Calls folder.If not, old recordings will automatically be deleted when new callsfill up the inbox.You can enable a Call Summary Menu with options to appearimmediately after a call.Search for recordings by contact, phone number, or note.There are 3 default settings for automatic recording:Record everything (default) – This setting records all calls exceptfor contacts pre-selected to be ignored.Ignore everything – This setting records no calls except forcontacts pre-selected to be recorded.Ignore contacts – This setting records all calls with people whoare not contacts, except for contacts pre-selected to berecorded.In the Pro version only: You can set calls from particular contactsto be automatically saved, and they will be saved in thecloud.This app contains ads.Call Recorder gives you the easiest way to record all your phoneconversations and manage them.1. Record your calls automatically while calling.2. Organize your call records. You can view all your calls withoptions such as list by time, group by names or group bydates.3. You can play back, or save your call to mp3 files on your SDcard.4. It’s FREE!
Home Workout 2.0
transforme your body and Get the body of yourdreams with no weights or expensive machines!Whether you’re using weights at the gym & home or doingbodyweight workouts , the Home Workouts app will help you to losefat and get fit & ripped with a lot of free multimedia workoutscoached by expert personal trainers. This exercise-plan has beendesigned to be followed at the comfort of your home and without theneed of any expensive machines.the Home Workouts app is perfect for people who wants to get fitwithout using any equipments. you can Follow simple instructionsand guidelines and you can workout specific parts or muscles ofyour body in privacy in your home or office at work.This is your chance To get all these awesome features to help youlose weight, tone up, and stay fit !• photos that explain each move in details• many bodyweight programs for different fitness goals.• Detailed exercise descriptions• Share the workouts via social medias like Email, Facebook andTwitterthe Home Workouts app uses the most creative bodyweight workoutsknown to people and will guarantee you results very fast!the Home Workouts app includes good programs for a lot ofgoals!the Home Workouts app will help you improve your:• Strength• Cardio• Flexibility• Balance• Athleticism• Core• fitness workouts• workout fitness• fitness workout• body weight fat loss workout• workout and fitness exercises• workout & fitness exercises• body workout• workout planthis workout app is one of the workout apps in the google playstore !the Home Workouts app is here for you to achieve your desiredfitness level:- a lot of Ready to go workouts.- Full body workouts- Ab workouts- Arm workouts- Butt workouts- Leg workouts- Different workout levels.- Guided workout with personal trainer.- Workout Nutrition Guide (soon)- Ab exercises- Arm exercises- Leg exercises- Butt exercises- plus many More !you're looking for :* exercise apps* ejercicio* rutina de ejercicio* workout app* workout routines* workout fitness* gym routine* best exercise to lose weight* workout plans* weight lossthis app is for you !also this is on of the best exercise apps to lose weight andweight lossto your success.Total Fitness is a fitness guide for this sport´s fans. TotalFitness offers you a big amount of info that will help you to reachyour goals. Total Fitness has many exercises and workouts fortraining at your gym or at homeTotal Fitness has the following sections:Gym Exercises GuideMore than 100 different exercises to do at the gym with explanationof the exercise, info about involved muscles, images and anexplanation videoGym & Home WorkoutsDifferent workouts that will help you to schedule your weekly work,as hard as you want or you can. You can train at the gym or athomeGuided WorkoutsDifferent guided workouts that will allow you to practice fitnessat home with this app´s helpChallengesTry to beat yourself and reach some of the goals that Total Fitnessproposes you, try to reach your best training with theseworkouts.My ProgressTotal Fitness helps you to monitorize your improvements with thissection. Here, you will be able to control your BMI (body massindex), Fat %, and your strength.Workout BuilderCreate your own workouts!NutritionTotal Fitness will help you support your work in the gym withnutrition advice so that you know what, when and how to eat toachieve your goals.UtilitiesTotal Fitness offers you the way to calculate your IMC, Fat %, andyour Strength.We hope you like it!!Get fit with Spartan Bodyweight , no equipment required!Just minutes a day to build muscle and lose belly fat athome.High quality simple workout routines for beginners andathletes.Each workout is video followed,with set of muscles involvedinstructions.- Abdominals- Back- Biceps- Calf- Chest- Forearms- Legs- Shoulders- Triceps
أذكار مسلم | adkar muslim 2.0
تطبيق أذكار مسلم تطبيق إسلامي شامل لجميعالأدعية و الأذكار الإسلامية التي يحتاجها المسلم في حياتهاليوميةتطبيق أذكار ميلم يحتوي على أكثر من 50 دعاء و ذكر لمختلف المناسبات والأوقاتاعتمدت مجموعة BGD Ltd. في تطوير هذا التطبيق على مجموعة من المراجعالدينية الموثوقة مستعينين في ذلك بالقرآن و السنةتطبيق أذكار مسلم خير رفيق للمسلم في كل وقت و حين.. و خير الرفاقمذكر بالله. فتطبيق أذكار مسلم يشمل كل الأدعية و الأذكار التي وجبعلى كل مسلم ترديدها و العرفان بها.المرجو تقييم التطبيق و ترك تعليق للتحفيز على مزيد من العطاءمع تحيات مجموعة .BGD Ltd-أدعية-أذكار-مسلم-إسلام-ad3iya-adkar-muslim-islamThe application ofRemembrance Muslim Islamic comprehensive application for allIslamic supplications and dhikr needed by Muslim in his dailylifeRemembrance Milm application contains more than 50 and said aprayer for various occasions and timesAdopted BGD Ltd. group In the development of this application on arange of reliable religious references drawing on the Qur'an andSunnahThe application of Remembrance Muslim Good companion for a Muslimall the time and when .. and good comrades masculine God. Theapplication includes all the Remembrance Muslim prayers andsupplications which must on every Muslim and chant theirgratitude.The desired application and leave comments to stimulate further bidevaluationGreetings .BGD Ltd group-odeih-ozkar-moslem-Islam-ad3iya-adkar-muslim-islam
قصص الأنبياء {بدون أنترنيت} 2.0
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهمن فضلكم ساعدوا هذا التطبيق بخمسة نجوم ليواصل الاستمرار* أفضل التطبيقات الإسلامية في أجهزة الأندرويد !* يشمل قراءة قصص الأنبياء كاملة حسب الترتيب الزمني من آدم عليهالسلام الى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .* قراءة سهلة ومرتبة بطريقة مذهلة !﴿نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ الْقَصَصِ﴾ سورة يوسف الآية٣*تطبيق اكثر من رائع بشهادة الجميع !هذا التطبيق انشئ ليكون موسوعة قصص الانبياء من القرآن الكريم والسنةالنبوية حيث انه يشمل كل من قصص انيباء الله وهم حسب ترتيبالزمني:من ميزات التطبيق الرائعة:* واجهة سهلة التصفح* قراءة سهلة وكما تريد* اكتشه بنفسك !Peace, mercy andblessings of GodPlease, helped by five-star this application to continue tocontinue* Best Islamic applications on Android devices!* Includes the prophets read full stories in chronological orderfrom Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon him.* Easy to read and tidy spectacular way!)nhn Lack you best Algoss( Surat Yusuf verse 3* Apply more remarkable testimony of everyone!This application was created to be a Guinness stories of theprophets of the Holy Quran and Sunnah as it includes all of thestories they Anibae God in chronological order:Application of the wonderful features:* Easy browsing interface* Easy to read and as you want* Aki_h yourself!
وصفات إزالة الشعر الزائد 2.0
تشكو معظم النساء عادةً وبشكل كبير من نمو وظهورالشعر الزائد في الوجه والذي يشوه جمالهن الطبيعي ويعكر صفاء بشرتهن،حيث تعتمدن عادةً الكثير من الطرق والوسائل لإزالة هذا الشعر المزعجولكن دون جدوى في معظم الأوقات.وسنقدم لك سيدتي بعض الوصفات الهندية التي تعتمدها النساء الهندياتالمكونة من مواد طبيعية ، مجربة ومضمونة لإزالة الشعر الزائد منالوجه. وتساعد على تنقية البشرة وتصفيتها لتتألقي إشراقاً وجمالاًببشرة متوهجة كبشرة الهنديات.الشعر غير المرغوب فيه هو سبب إحراج الكثيرين , بينما انت بحاجةللتخلص من الشعر الغير مرغوب فيه من أماكن خفية مثل الإبطين لأغراضصحية وللتخلص من رائحة الجسم ، والشعر على الوجه واليدين والساقين وماإلى ذلك لا يشكل أي خطر على صحتك , ولكن هذا الشعر غير مرغوب فيه ويمكن إزالته بحيث تشعر أنك واثق بما يكفي لمواجهة الناس . بشرة نظيفةوواضحة هو حلم الجميع وليس انت فقط . لذا، إذا كنت قد قررت التخلص منالشعر غير المرغوب فيها والبحث عن تقنيات مختلفة مثل الليزر، والتحليلالكهربائي , فإنه يمكن تجريب بعض العلاجات المنزلية لإزالة الشعر لعدةأيام . قد تنجح في توفير الكثير من المال ، والتخلص من إزالة الشعرغير المرغوب فيه بوسيلة سهلة ورخيصة .تطبيق إزالة الشعر يضع بيين يديك حلا لمجمل هذه المشاكل . و يعطيكيوصفات طبيعية . فعالة و رخيصة .المرجو تقييم التطبيق و ترك تعليقMost of the womencomplain and usually significantly from growth and the emergence ofexcess hair on the face, which distorts the natural beauty anddisturb the purity of their skin, which is usually dependent upon alot of ways and means to remove this hair spam but to no avail mostof the time. We will give you Madam some Indian recipes that Indian womenconsisting of natural materials, proven and guaranteed adopted toremove excess hair from the face. And help to purify the skin andfiltered to Taatogay brighter and beautiful skin glowing Kphrh theIndians.Unwanted hair is the cause of the embarrassment of many, while youneed to get rid of unwanted of hidden places such as armpits hairhealth purposes and to get rid of body odor, and hair on the face,hands and legs, and so does not pose any risk to your health, butthis hair is desirable and it can be removed so that you feelconfident enough to face the people. Skin clean and clear is thedream of everyone, not just you. So, if you've decided to get ridof unwanted hair and the search for different techniques such aslaser, electrolysis, it can also try some home remedies for hairremoval for several days. You may succeed in saving a lot of money,and to get rid of hair removal unwanted easy and cheap means.Hair Removal application puts your hands Bien solution to all theseproblems. Aattiyki and natural recipes. Effective and cheap.Please leave comments and application evaluation
ثقف نفسك 1.6
ثقف نفسك هو تطبيق يغني رصيدك المعرفي ويسهلعليك الوصول لمعلومات متنوعة في مجالات مختلفة تتجدد يومي كما أنهاًيسعى الى توعية الشباب واطلاعهم على معلومات بطريقة مسلية ومفيدة.يشرفنا أن نقدم لكم تطبيق عربي يحتوي على صور كلام مأثور و نصائحأمثال عربية اسلامية و عالمية بطاقات كلام معبر مكتوب على صورة كلامعظماء و معلومات و حكم بالصور ثقافة عامة معلومة و حكمة مفيدة تنفعكفي حياتك معلومات في الدين و السياسة و المجتمع هل تعلم من العلوم والتجارب تجارب العظمات و كلام مجرب و منطقي من كلام السف الصالح والصالحين و المفكرين ثقف نفسك بنفسك معلومات زواج و حياة من العلمالنافع في الوطن العربي و الافريقي و المغربي و كلام الفلاسفة منالثقافة العربية و الغربية كن مثقف و تعلم الكلام عن الجهل والجهلاءنتمنى يعجبكم البرنامجلا تبخلوا علينا من اقتراحاتكم و انتقاداتكم البناءةتبحث عن المعرفه والثقافه ؟تطبيق ثقف نفسك , تطبيق عربى يحوى الكثير من المعلومات المسلّية حيثيزودكم بالمعلومات الغريبه والمفيدةأتركم تكتشفون باقي بي أنفسكمثقف نفسك | Thaqafnafsakهل تبحث عن المعرفه والثقافه ؟إليك تطبيق ثقف نفسك وهو تطبيق عربى يحوى الكثير من المعلوماتالمسلّية و المتميزه فهو يزودكم بالمعلومات الغريبه والعجيبه فى هذهالأقسام :-غرائب-صحة-الجمال-المرأة والرجل-تحليل الشخصية-عالم المعرفة-المرآة-حقائق-تنمية بشرية-سؤال و إجابة-حول العالم-زواج-لغة الجسد-تكنولوجيا-رشاقة-الرجال-نصائح-أعشاب طبيعية-إبتكارات-إختراعــآت-الذاكرة-تمرينات-الطبيعة-حضارة-مهارات-حيوانات-انترنت-اكلات-طعام-المراة-كيف؟-طفولة وأمومة-الطب البديل-فنادق-لماذا-فنون-كمبيوتر-رمضان-تربية الأبناء-طيور-عالم السيارآت-عالم الطآئرآتتم أضافة حدث فى مثل هذا اليومبرجاء دعم التطبيق بتقييمك وملاحظاتك :)Educate yourself singyour balance is the application of knowledge and easier for you toaccess a variety of information in different areas of renewed dailyas they seek to educate young people and inform them of theinformation entertaining and informative manner.We are honored to offer you Arabic application that containspictures of words saying and tips such as Arab Islamic anduniversal words written crossing the image of the words of thegreats and information and the rule of pictures general cultureinformation and useful wisdom Tnfk in your life information inreligion, politics, society Do you know of cards Science andexperiences Alazmat experiences and talk fitter and logical fromthe words of the good grade and righteous and thinkers Educateyourself on your own marriage information and life of usefulknowledge in the Arab world and the African and Moroccan and thewords of the philosophers of the Arab culture and Western Becultured and learn to speak from ignorance and the ignorantWe hope you like the programDo not give us your suggestions and criticisms of constructiveLooking for knowledge and culture?Educate yourself application, application Arab contains a lot ofinteresting information where exotic provide you with informationand usefulOturkm discover the rest of my yourselvesEducate yourself | ThaqafnafsakAre you looking for knowledge and culture?Here's application Educate yourself Arab application which containsa lot of interesting information and provide you with theinformation it is distinct exotic and strange in thesesections:-Oddity-Health-algamal-almroh And men-Personal analysis-The world of knowledge-almrah-hakaiq-Human Development-saal And answer-around the world-sba-body language-tknulogia-rchaqh-alrjal-Advice-Natural herbs-apetkarat-achteraaat-almakrh-tmarenat-tabaah-houdarh-mharrat-heoanat-anturnt-aclat-taam-alemrah-How?-tefolh And Motherhood-alternative medicine-venadeg-Why-vnon-Computer-ramadan-Raising children-tior-cars world-aalm AircraftUploaded happened on this dayPlease Btakiimk application support and feedback :)
Nokat Maghribia - نكت مغربية 1.0
تطبيق رائع للنكت المغربية الجديدة لهدا العامهدا التطبيق بتصنيفات من النكت الطريفة مثل نكت عن الحب ، نكت عنالبخلاء، نكت عن الكلاخ و المزيد، سارعو في تحميل التطبيق ومشاركتهعبر جميع وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي للقضاء على الملل.لمزيدا من العطاء ما عليكم سوى التصويت لهدا التطبيق بخمسة نجومMoroccan wonderfulapplication of new jokes for this year Hedda application ratings ofsuch jokes funny jokes about love, jokes about tightwads, jokesabout Alclakh and more, Sreeto to load application andparticipation across all social media to eliminate theboredom.For more tender what you just vote for the five-star Heddaapplication
قصص و عبر |stories 1.0
في زمننا الحاضر , ستجد أيضا الحكمة والعبرة منكل قصة .مميزات التطبيق :1- يتمتع تطبيق " قصص و عبر " بواجهات جميلة وتصميم جميل .2- يدعم جميع أنواع موبايلات الأندرويد والتابلت .3- يحوي على 68 قصةرائعة وسيتم اضافة قصص تلقائيا بشكل دائم .4- امكانية مشاركة القصص مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك عبر وسائل التواصلالاجتماعي .5- يمكنك تطبيق " قصص و عبر " من التحكم بحجم ولون الخط ونوع الخلفيةمن أيقونة " اعدادات البرنامج " .6- يمكنك أيضا اضافة القصص المفضلة الى المفضلة ومن ثم يسهل عليكمشاركتها بشكل دائم .7- يحوي تطبيق "قصص و عبر" على مجموعة منوعة من " قصص واقعية , قصصمعبرة , قصص ذكاء , قصص مضحكة , قصص حب , قصص خيانة , قصص تاريخية "ويمكنك أيضا من تفعيل ميزة الاشعارات لتصلك قصة اليوم تلقائيا وبشكلعشوائي .نرجو أن يكون تطبيق "قصص و عبر " يحوي على الفائدة التي كنتمترجونهامع تحيات مجموعة .BGD LtdIn our time, you'll alsofind the wisdom and the lesson of each story .mmizzatApplication:1. enjoy the application of the "Stories" beautiful and beautifullydesigned interfaces.2. Supports all kinds of Mobile and Android tablet. 3. Includes 68story and wonderful stories will be added automaticallypermanently.4. The ability to share stories with friends and family throughsocial media.5. You can "Stories" of the size and the color of the font type andbackground of the icon "program settings control"application.6. You can also add your favorite stories to favorite and thenmakes it easy to share them permanently.7. Includes application "Stories" on a variety of "real lifestories, telling stories, intelligent stories, funny stories, lovestories, stories of betrayal, historical stories," and you can alsoactivate notifications feature to receive the story of the dayautomatically and randomly .nerjo that be "stories and through theapplication of" Includes the interest rate that you TrgeonhaGreetings .BGD Ltd group
Robots Vs Zombies 1.0.3
If a robot controlled by you fights withzombies,who will win?This is a 2D game that is set in a ruined city.You should kill various zombies and boss monstersby controlling your robot.Are you afraid of zombies coming in flocks? Don’tworry.Your robot is basically equipped with many weaponslike guided bomb and super powers.Also, you can use ammunition for your weaponswithout restriction.Whether you can kill all the zombies or not dependson your skill.Now, be the strongest Player.
Jungle Run 1.0
Jungle Run help the explorer to avoid theproblems and get to the end of level>The Jumping Jungle Run Man always collect more grapes byRunning and Jumping.The Jungle Run Man must eat grapes in order to survive and avoidingobstacles. Please help the Jungle explorer running.Top Features- 105 different Levels- Clean and colorful graphics- Smooth user interface- Phone and Tablet support- Music and sound effects- Play for all ages- Game is free- No Violence (Suitable for kids and children)
Photo Maker 2.0
Photo Maker is a powerful photo editor andcollage maker for you to create amazing collage photos, stickers,backgrounds, text with layout and frames.Photo Maker is the best collage maker and photo editor that helpsyou stitch multiple photos with myriad layout frames and photogrids.Photo Maker has a simple design with a powerful collage maker andan amazing photo editor!Photo Maker is an easy to use and powerful photo editor and collagemaker!Now you can edit photos instantly by using Photo Maker.This is a great app to give your photo new and funny look .This app contain numbers of effects , funny stickers .You can also enhance and crop your image.By using this app you can color and can add text to theimage.This app is completely free. So download and enhance yourcreativity by giving a new look to your Photo.Add emoticons to your photos with Emojis smiles and smiles andpopular tags.Features:Hundreds of layouts and frames to choose from!Easy to change border colors, backgrounds and patterns!Simple touch gestures to rotate, resize, flipHundreds of backgrounds and fun stickers!Easy to add text and stickers!A full-featured photo editor included!Easy to use fluid design.Amazing photo effects & filtersShare on social networkThis applications allow you can make your photos collection intoamazing collage.It is free and makes sharing pics and collages easy.Instantly and easily create collages, wallpaper and photoalbums.Edit pictures in our photo lab and share on social network.This collage maker is incredibly easy to use, try it and see foryourself.100% free and fully loaded.Features:* Create new photo with multipe editors.* Variety of layouts for photo grids:wallpapers, photo walls,albums and cameras, search online image by google.* Editor allows you to move, swap, rotate, zoom, sketch, ...* Photo Editor Pro is a powerful editor with many amazingeffects!* A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty much everything youcould ever want to do on your phone!* There are so many effects, stickers and features to apply to yourphotos!Key Features:+ One-tap auto enhance+ Gorgeous photo effects and frames+ Fun stickers+ Color balance+ Crop, rotate, and straighten your photo+ Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature, andsaturation+ Sharpen and blur+ Color temperature ("Warmth")+ Color Splash+ Focus (Tilt Shift)+ Draw and add text+ Create your own memes+ Share to social network
وصفات مغربية لعيد الأضحى 2.0
نطبيق وصفات مغربية لعيد الأضحى تطبيق مغربيبامتياز و يتوفر على عدة وصفات مغربية أصيلة خاصة بمناسبة عيدالأضحىتحتار السيدات في مناسبات كعيد الأاضحى عن الوصفات التي ستحضرها. لذافتطبيق وصفات مغربية لعيد الأضحى موضوع بين يديك لتوفير أكبر قدر منالمساعدة في تحضير المقادير و طريقة طبخ الأكلةتجدين في هذا التطبيق سيدتي :1-وصفات مغربية أصيلة2-وصفات غير مكلفة في مناسبة عيد الأضحى3-خطوات التحضير خطوة بخطوة4-يتوفر تطبيق وصفات مغربية لعيد الأضحى على مربع بحث لتسهيل استعمالالتطبيق و إيجاد الوصفاتنتمنى أن ينال تطبيق وصفات مغربية لعيد الأضحى إعجابكملا تنسةنا بتقييم و تعليقمع تحيات مجموعة .BGD Ltdكلمات:أكلةشهيةأطباقوصفاتشهيواتعيدعيد الأضحىمناسبةأطباق لحمطبخ مغربيشهيوات مغربيةوصفات العيدoklashahiyachehiwataidaid adhamonassabaatba9 la7mtabkh maghribichehiwat maghribiawassafat l3idNtbaiq Moroccan recipesfor Eid al-Adha Moroccan application par excellence and isavailable on several recipes authentic Moroccan especially on theoccasion of Eid al-AdhaTreading the ladies in Aloadhy occasions feast for prescriptions tobe attended. So The application of Moroccan Recipes for Eid al-Adhasubject between your hands to provide the greatest measure ofassistance in the preparation of ingredients and cooking methodEatersYou find in this application Madam:1-authentic Moroccan Recipes2-Recipes is expensive on the occasion of Eid al-Adha3-steps preparation step by step4-application and Moroccan recipes for Eid al-Adha is available onthe search box to facilitate the use of the application and findrecipesWe wish to obtain an application and Moroccan recipes for Eidal-Adha like itNo Tenshna assessment and commentsGreetings .BGD Ltd groupLyrics:EatersAppetiteDishesRecipesShahyoatFeastEid al-AdhaOccasionMeat dishesMoroccan cookingMoroccan ShahyoatRecipes feastoklashahiyachehiwataidaid adhamonassabaatba9 la7mtabkh maghribichehiwat maghribiawassafat l3id
Morocco Tourism 1.0
MOROCCO TOURISMthis application is your guide to visit Morocco and enjoy yourvisitmore than 50 places, with pictures of these places, informationsabout theri location,hotels and restaurants for the most placesshown in this application and in the very soon we are going to makeinformations about hotels and restaurants for all places.i hope you enjoy the application, and comment please with places inMorocco that if you want us to make them soon in thisapplicationalso rate and comment
دليل المسافر (المغرب) 2.0
هذا التطبيق هو دليلك لزيارة المغرب والتمتعزيارتكم للمناطق المختلفة مع صور لهذه الأماكن، و المعلومات حولالموقع والفنادق والمطاعم لمعظم الأماكن المبينة في هذا التطبيق.يحتوي على تصنيف للمناطق من جبلية الى داخلية او ساحلية الى شاطئية .اترككم مع التطبيق لاكتشاف كل المناطق الطبيعة و العريقة و الاثريةبالمغربآمل أن تستمتع بالتطبيق،المرجو ترك تقييم و التعليق على التطبيقThis application is aguide to visit Morocco and enjoy your visit different areas withpictures of these places, about the location, hotels andrestaurants for most of the places described in this applicationand. It contains a classification of areas of the mountainousinterior to the coastal or to the beach. I leave you with theapplication to discover all areas of nature and ancientarcheological and Morocco I hope you enjoy the application,Please let evaluate and comment on the application
تفسير الأحلام و الرؤى 2.0
في هذا التطبيق تجدون إن شاء الله مجموعة منالتفاسير و التأويلات للأحلام و الرؤى التي ترى في المنام .كذلك تجدون مجموعة من الأحاديث النبوية و الآيات القرآنية التي لهاعلاقة بالأحلام و الرؤىتطبيق تفسير الأحلام و الرؤى هو تطبيق شامل و جامع لمجموعة من الكلماتالدلالية التي تحيلنا على ما يرى في الحلم أو الرؤيافي تطبيق تفسير الأحلام و الرؤى تجدون الحروف الأبجدية مرتبة ما عليكسوى اختيار الحرف الذي تبتدأ به الكلمة الدلالية التي تبحدث(ين) عنهاثثم البحث عن الكلمة أو يمكنكم الاستعانة بمربع البحث اسفلالتطبيقالمرجو مشاركة التطبييق مع الأقارب و الأصحاب و كذا ترك تقييم و تعليقللتطبيقIn this application, Godwilling, you will find a range of explanations and interpretationsof the dreams and visions that you see in a dream.As well as you will find a group of hadith and Koranic verses thathave to do with dreams and visionsApply the interpretation of dreams and visions is a comprehensiveapplication and collector set of semantic words that evoked what hesees in a dream or visionIn the application of the interpretation of dreams and visions findthe alphabet arranged just select the character that Tptdo by a tagwhich Tbhdt (yen) than Ttm search for the word or you can use thesearch box down the applicationPlease post Alttabaiq with relatives and friends and left as wellas the evaluation and suspension of application
وصفات عيد الأضحى 2.0
نطبيق وصفات عيد الأضحى تطبيق مغربي بامتياز ويتوفر على عدة وصفات مغربية أصيلة خاصة بمناسبة عيد الأضحىتحتار السيدات في مناسبات كعيد الأاضحى عن الوصفات التي ستحضرها. لذافتطبيق وصفات عيد الأضحى موضوع بين يديك لتوفير أكبر قدر من المساعدةفي تحضير المقادير و طريقة طبخ الأكلةتجدين في هذا التطبيق سيدتي :1-وصفات أصيلة2-وصفات غير مكلفة في مناسبة عيد الأضحى3-خطوات التحضير خطوة بخطوة4-يتوفر تطبيق وصفات عيد الأضحى على مربع بحث لتسهيل استعمال التطبيقو إيجاد الوصفاتنتمنى أن ينال تطبيق وصفات عيد الأضحى إعجابكملا تنسةنا بتقييم و تعليقمع تحيات مجموعة .BGD Ltdكلمات:أكلةشهيةأطباقوصفاتشهيواتعيدعيد الأضحىمناسبةأطباق لحمطبخوصفات العيدoklashahiyachehiwataidaid adhamonassabaatba9 la7mtabkhwassafat l3idNtbaiq recipes Eidal-Adha Moroccan application par excellence and is available onseveral recipes authentic Moroccan especially on the occasion ofEid al-AdhaTreading the ladies in Aloadhy occasions feast for prescriptions tobe attended. So The application Recipes Eid al-Adha subject betweenyour hands to provide the greatest measure of assistance in thepreparation of ingredients and cooking method EatersI find in this application Madam:1-authentic recipes2-Recipes is expensive on the occasion of Eid al-Adha3-steps preparation step by step4-application recipes Eid al-Adha on the search box is available tofacilitate the use of the application and find recipesWe wish to obtain the application of recipes you like Eidal-AdhaNo Tenshna assessment and commentsGreetings .BGD Ltd groupLyrics:EatersAppetiteDishesRecipesShahyoatFeastEid al-AdhaOccasionMeat dishesCookingRecipes feastoklashahiyachehiwataidaid adhamonassabaatba9 la7mtabkhwassafat l3id
وصفات فاخرة باللحم 2.0
تجدين سيدتي في هذا التطبيق الموضوع بين يديك كلما يخد الطبخ العصري و التقليدي و كذا مجمل الوصفات بكل الأشكال والأنواعيحتوي تطبيق وصفات فاخرة باللحم على مجموعة من الوصفات الفاخرة والعصرية و التيي تحتاج في تجهيزها الى مهارة و الفن لكن لا عليكيتكلفنا بإعداد هذا التطبيق ليساعدك سيدتي من البدء الى التقديم والتمتع بمجموعة من الوصفات الفاخرة . كما تصعب الاختيارات في عدةمناسبات كعيد الأضحى المبارك و كذا التجمعات العائليةتطبيق وصفات فاخرة باللحم معد لتقديم المساعدة في الاعداد و تحضيرالمقادير كما ان مجمل الوصفات هي غير مكلفة ماديا بحيث حرصنا في تطبيقوصفات فاخرة باللحم لتوفير اكبر عدد ممكن من الوصفات الفاخرة و في نفسالوقت غير مكلفةتتمنى لكم مجموعة BGD Ltd. وجبة شهية و نتمنى ان ينال التطبيقاعجابكملا تنسوا نشر التطبيق و ترك تقييم و تعليق-عيد أضحى-لحم-وصفات باللحمطبخ باللحم-مناسباتlahmaid adhamonassabateMadam you find in thisapplication subject between your hands all Akhadd modern andtraditional cooking and recipes as well as the total in all shapesand typesApplication luxurious recipes with meat on a range of luxury andmodern recipes and Altaa containing processed in need and to theskill of the art but do not have you cost us to prepare thisapplication to help you madam from start to presentation and enjoya range of luxurious recipes. As difficult choices on severaloccasions al-Adha feast and as well as family gatheringsApplication luxurious recipes with meat prepared to provideassistance in the preparation and the preparation of the overallamounts as recipes are inexpensive material so keen in theapplication of luxury and meat recipes to provide the largestpossible number of luxury recipes and at the same timeinexpensiveWishes you BGD Ltd. group A delicious meal and we hope that theapplication receives like itDo not forget to deploy the application and leave the evaluationand comments-Adha's Eid-ham-ocefat MeatCooking meat-mnaspatlahmaid adhamonassabate
Ninja Running Temple 1.0
Ninja Running Temple a great adventure gamedesigned by BGD Ltd.Ninja Running Temple is a free run game with you play with alittle ninja and you make your way to the end of the levelNinja Running Temple is a work done by groups of developers underthe BGD Ltd.***********************************************************************************************the game is about to run with the ninja in the forest and try toavoid Samurai Jack, Shrek, Super Mario and the black deviltry to collect all weapons in orders to make more points and winthe level.the Ninja will run without stop and you you should make him collecthis weapons and try not to touch The Samurai Jack or Shrek or SuperMario or the black devilNinja Running Temple help the ninja to avoid the problems and getto the end of level>Ninja Running Temple always collect more weapons by Running andJumping.Ninja must collect weapons in order to survive and avoidingobstacles. Please help the Ninja running.Top Features- 105 different Levels- Clean and colorful graphics- Smooth user interface- Phone and Tablet support- Music and sound effects- Play for all ages- Game is free- No Violence (Suitable for kids and children)
Halloween City Run 1.0
Halloween city run a very nice game for theHalloweentry to help the jet-pack boy to go across the Halloween city, speedis the challenge here. run with speed and avoid zombie , ghost,pumpkin, mummy and monster.evolution of levels raise the levels of the player experienceHalloween City Run help the explorer to avoid the problems and getto the end of level>Halloween City Run explorer always collect more torches byRunning and Jumping.Halloween City Run must eat torches in order to survive andavoiding obstacles. Please help the Halloween City explorerrunning.Top Features- 105 different Levels- Clean and colorful graphics- Smooth user interface- Phone and Tablet support- Music and sound effects- Play for all ages- Game is free- No Violence (Suitable for kids and children)in the opinion of the bible there is no Halloween myth but in theamerican culture the Halloween is a part of itthis game defeat the theory which say that horror movies and gamesare not very scary.in Halloween many people choose funny masks like the pumpkin one ormonster one also monkey mask or penguin mask , of course the scaryone. you can find also tries with lighten pumpkin or candy
Bouncing Ball 1.0
You remember the famous game Ball bounce indevice java ?Have you been scrambling machine to play with friends ?Do you remember how to Roll Ball ?I remember how popular Snake was back when I was in primary school.If you were a mobile gamer then you surely stumbled upon Bounce atsome point found on a phone. It was a game where you bounced withan orange ball through loops avoiding obstacles. It had solidcontrols and a good physics engine for those days.For those of you who spent hundred of hours passing levels inclassic old school Bounce Game, we made this one - Bouncy Ball .Enjoy 11 levels, collect all rings and beware of dangerous thorns.Stay in touch with your friends and beat their scores. Most populargame - now on your phoneNow Bouncy Ball is a fanmade re-make of the Ball Bounce game . It'sbring your childhood back . You will be returned tochildhood.If you belong to the category of gamers who love playing highlyexciting games that keep you on the edge of the seat, then BouncingBall is for you.Bouncing Ball is a game that requires all yourfocus.It tests resistance and features a red bouncing balls therepresents the main character of the game.Your goal here is to keepthe ball safe and under control while avoiding all bad objectsincluding falling,spikes and many more...Ball Bounce been a very popular game on - now on your Androiddevices!The best addictive brain games of game. It's bring your childhoodback---------------------------------------------How to play “Ball Bounce” game ?---------------------------------------------First time open “Ball Bounce” you have 3 balls.You need move Ball and don’t let ball hit to trap and water. Try tocollect all ring on the way. It's easier than any games.various obstacle/trap will be the best control games to test yourcontrol.Moving and bouncing your ball over them and collect the rings. Findthe gate after you was collected all Ring of the map, you can loadnew map game. Don’t forget pick up the heart to increase your life.The pumper have your ball bigger and jump higher and bouncestronger.To Collect all the Rings. You have to move around the corner onmap. You must move Ball jump to any where to find Ring. When balljump. You have two levels of Jump. Low jump and high jump. To HighJump. You must jump in green brick box.Avoid the thorn and dyn-thorn in the map. Don’t let the ball Hit toTrap. When ball hitting to trap , it’s will Break Ball willexplosion and life-game has been minus. Game will end if you lossall life-game. You can try again with replay button in GameOverscene…Bounce the ball and avoid touching the spikes. Collect floatingpower ups to change the game's colors.---------------------------------------------[Control in Bounce Game]---------------------------------------------Tap to jump button in right screen to Jump Ball.It's easy to Roll and bouncy your ball.---------------------------------------------[Features]---------------------------------------------- offical and truly 11 map from origin game of phone. Total 11origin levels. Map editor has most addictive and original, betterthan any games of bouncing or boucy ball- many amazing item game.- HD resolution and support all screen type of device.- amazing sound effect.- endless update support online or via email.- fixed bug of old version.Get Bouncing ball HD and enjoy it.Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100474Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Car Racing HD 2.0
Check out this new 2D car racing game.Playhard, drive your car, burn rubber on a full lineup andcruisethrough the 2D race tracks. Burn up the streets with thefastestand most exhilarating 2D cars. Live life a quarter mileeverymoment as you take on the streets with the # 1 2Dracinggame.Stunning high definition graphics with mind-blowinggameplaygiving you the adrenaline rush with every game.Burn up the street with the fastest and most exhilarating 2Dracingaction in Fast Racing today! Live your life a quarter mile atatime as you take over the streets in this #1 acclaimed 2Dracinggame.Car Racing combines stunning, high fidelity graphics withaddictivegameplay that will have you swerving through oncomingtraffic,collecting power-ups, and knocking other racers off theroad. Withastonishing physics, eye-popping tracks, and awesomecars, FastRacing creates a new type of racing experience forAndroidusers.Car Racing is an addictive game for the fans of arcade racinganddriving simulations.THE ULTIMATE MULTIPLAYER RACEPick your favorite car and join the ultimate challenge!Join 6 different rooms with massive prizes from AmateurtoKingRace head-to-head against your friends or challenge randomplayersacross the globeHIGH SPEED DRIVINGRace at high speeds, drive against traffic and overtake cars!Nothing is forbidden in Racing Fever, More Danger = More Coins!HIGH QUALITY GRAPHICSEnjoy the cutting edge 3D graphics with realisticallycreatedenvironments and amazingly detailed cars.THE CAR OF YOUR DREAMSUpgrade your car to the limits, customize with paints, vinylsandrims.Make it better, faster, stronger and prettier.SLOW MOTION MODEDon't push your luck in sticky situations, slow time foreasiermanoeuvres.It does not last forever but quickly refills.EXPLORE DIFFERENT THEMESTake a ride in Village, Desert, City, or have a snowy oneinWinter.Each 4 environment are realisticly created and highly detailed.GAME MODES FOR EVERY MOODFeel the Fever in One Way and Two Way, rush a quick game inTimeAttack or drive calmly in Free Ride.DRIVE IT YOUR WAYControl your car as you like.Choose Steering Wheel, Buttons, Gyro or even Joystick.MULTIPLE CAMERA ANGLESRace through traffic with Top or Back camera, or just dive intotheaction with Hood camera.Each camera angle offers a unique driving experience.LANGUAGE SUPPORTAvailable in 14 different languages and more soon!BONUSESEnter time limited quests to win big prizes!Get your daily bonus every day, multiply your bonuses witheveryconsecutive visit.Don't forget to visit mini game too!SHARE & COMPETEExchange keys with friends and win a brand new car!Compare scores on leaderboards with friends and drivers allaroundthe world.KEY FEATURES- Stunning 3D graphics- Smooth and realistic driving- 4 detailed environments: Village, Desert, City, Winter- 4 game modes: One Way, Two Way, Time Attack, Free Ride- 10 different cars (new cars on the way!)- Upgradeable Speed, Acceleration, Handling, Braking options- Customizable Paints, Rims, Vinyls- Rich traffic: Trucks, Buses, Vans, Pickups, SUVs & etc.- High, Medium and Low Graphic options- Time limited Quests & Bonus Game- Online Leaderboards and AchievementsPlease rate us and give your feedback for further improvement ofthegame.Features:- Amazing 2D Graphics- Simple controls- Touch to accelerate- Customize your vehicles- Touch to change gears- High Definition 2D Graphics- Upgrade cars by earnings coins- No in-app purchase- Tilt your device to steer- 6 different cars with Volvo Truck- Cutting Edge 2D Graphics and gnarly impact-crashsoundeffects- Upgrade and customize your own vehicles- Earn cash rewards to unlock new cars- Race the way you want: you can touch or tilt to steer
Jewels Crush Top 1.0
Jewels crush topJewels crush top is a simple puzzle game, the point of the gameisto place the minimum of 3 jewels in order to crush them andmakescore, defeat your friends and take the leadership ofscoresThere are three types of the game:First: normal modeNo time pressure, just spend time placing three or more jewelsbyline to crush it.Second: time modeIn order to win more time you should place more and more jewels,soin this type of jewels crush top you are in a race with time,crushmore jewels to get more time.Third: infinite modeIn this type of jewels crush top there is no borders or limitsofthe game, crush jewels and gain more and more score o taketheleadership on the board of jewels crush top.this game developed by Oussama Baghedoudwish you enjoy the game.please rate 5 stars and comment
How Old Do I Look _NOT PRANK_ 1.0
Determine your age from your photo. Guessageand gender. Very accurate & funny!No need to connect to the internet. Let your phone determine howoldyou are. Very accurate. Can guess age and genderincludingman,woman,ladyboy and gay!Super funny app to mock your friends about their realage.DOWNLOAD FREE NOW, don't miss the trend.Features:- Use your phone take a photo, app will determine age andgenderof you.- Use your own photo to analyse- Now it's your chance to know your friend's real ageandgender- Very accurate & funny :P- Share the analysed result photo to otherviaFacebook,twitter,e-mail,Instagram,etc.- Suitable for prank your friend, use in party, mock your familyandmore.This app is a mocking age determining app, cannot rely withresults.Just for fun."How Old Do I Look? Camera“ is a funny app.Determine your age from your photos. And guess your age andgender.Very accurate & very funny!No need to connect to the internet. Let your photo determine howolddo you look.Can guess age and gender including man,woman,ladyboy and gay!Super funny app to mock your friends about their real age.DOWNLOAD FREE NOW, don't miss the trend.How to use:Upload a image and the app will tell you how old do you look.Take a photo of mine and the app will tell me how old doIlook.Extracting the gender and age of the people in thesepictures.Share your photos via facebook, twitter and email with the app"AgeCamera - How Old Are You? “.this is a free app ,help you to check your age and share it withyoufriends.Using this app ,you can take a photo of your friends, then youcantell them how old do they look.Using this app ,you can take a photo of your family, then youcantell them how old do everyone look.This a funny app.It guesses your age from picture on sdcard ortookfrom camera by virtual guessing age algorithm to foolyourfriend.And the result of the algorithm will stick on your picture andyoucan share it on everywhere.Enjoy it.########## HOW TO PLAY : CAMERA MODE #########1. Press 'Take Cam Shot' button to open camera2. Point camera at your friend faces, wait until you see framesonthose faces3. If no frame showing at any face, adjust your camera angle,trymove in/move out until see frames4. Press shutter button to let the app determine the age.########## HOW TO PLAY : OWN PHOTO MODE #########1. Press 'Use Your Own Photo' button to choose your photofromgallery2. Crop the photo, just select where you want to analyse.(Shouldset faces at center of cropped image - leave some space attop ofimage )3. Press 'SAVE' button, then the app will analyse the image andgetyou a result.
Sliding Balloon 1.0
This game is an app that is optimized forallandroid devices.This is an easy game.There are many variety items in game screen. The balloon wantstoeat theeatable items and avoid the bad items by rolling over andoverforward. Theforward direction is controlled by leaning the device to rightorleft. The forwardspeed is on the decrease gradually. Then it is possible toincreasethe speed byreleasing the nitro of the balloon.
BlackJack 1.0
Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, isthemost widely played casino banking game in the world.Blackjack isacomparing card game between a player and dealer, meaningplayerscompete against the dealer but not against other players. Itisplayed with one or more decks of 52 cards.Press your bets for a good time and go all in with Blackjack 21+today!The game "Blackjack" for Android perfectly captures the spiritofthe famous card game. You don’t need to spend real money forchipsin our game!!!!!In order to start the game you need:1) specify the size of the bet;2) press start;3) play.Learn perfect Blackjack strategy quickly and easily!Maximizeyour casino edge by playing every kind of hand or just theones youwant to improve on. Get immediate feedback on each andevery move.Automatically track your accuracy, hot streaks, anddetailedstats.+ Learn perfect strategy+ Fast and simple+ Detailed stats of all your hands+ Immediate feedback on every move+ Practice everything or just what you need to+ Quick access to standard blackjack strategy card+ Customize your hand types+ Easy to share with friendsRules of the game:The object of the game is to beat the dealer (the computer).Thegame is played with two decks. The decks are shuffled when thegameis played out and about the third of the play cards left.Functions and Features:- Touch control all your chips.- Splitting cards and doubling the rate to increase theprize.- Insurance against possible combination of "Blackjack" thedealerhas.- Unlimited number of free chips!We hope you enjoy our "Blackjack." For any questions pleasecontactsupport, we will be happy to answer all your questions!Features:● Authentic casino Blackjack gambling experience!● Unlock higher table limits● The more $$$ you win the higher you can bet!● Play by genuine casino Blackjack rules● Keep track lots of different gameplay statistics● Handy Hint feature to help novice players● Daily and Hourly Bonuses● Engaging scoring featuresATTENTION! Successful experience of playing Black Jack doesnotmean that you will be able to win in a real gamblingcasino!!!!
Laws Of Power 2.2
For those who want to gain power, observethepower or arm themselves against the power ...48 Laws of Power summarizes the famous laws written by RobertGreeneto obtain and study of power in all areas of everyday lifeLaws which apply in the workplace, in relationships, inthestreet or watching the evening news: everything, everyone andtoachieve any purpose.This version includes 48 laws and its short summary.Some of the greatest men and women throughout history have knownthesecrets of using the power of thoughts. They use the powerwithintheir minds to manifest their dreams, plucking them from theinnerdepth of the subconscious and bringing them to life in theirfullcolor glory using nothing more than the power of the minds andtheenergy created by their thoughts and emotions using LawofPower.This is an example mind power firmly rooted in scientific fact.Thelaws of physics applied to the metaphysical to create theperfectblend of fact and idea. A universal law finally discoveredandbrought into play for the men and women of earth, applyingtoeveryone, regardless of their age, gender or race, andcarryingwith it guaranteed results!It's the law of Power, a law that has governed the workingsofnature since the beginning of time and has been speculateduponnearly as long, but has not been studied and taught to thegeneralpublic in enough depth for them to be able to put it to gooduse;that is, until now. You can now tapped into thesubconsciousmind.The law of Power is a law based upon the idea that theenergygiven off by a person's mind, whether it be good or bad, willdrawlike energy to it. This means that by encouraging their mindstogive off good energy waves an individual would be able todrawpositive energy waves out of the universe to make goodthingshappen for them.What can the law of Power do for you? The possibilitiesareendless; there really are no limitations on the positivechangesthe law of Power can bring into your life. Use the powerofthoughts.There is so much that can be done with the law of Power, andyetso many people do not realize the power they hold attheirfingertips! So much suffering could be averted if thepeopleinvolved only knew the power they have hidden within theirownminds!The law of Power is the best kept secret of some of therichestmen and women in the world. Now you can learn to use it toyouradvantage too.48 laws of powerat the time Greene was rereading his favorite biography aboutJuliusCaesar and took inspiration from Caesar's decision to crosstheRubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the Great RomanCivilWar. Greene would follow Caesar's example and write thetreatment,which later became The 48 Laws of Power. He would notethis as theturning point of his life.
وصفات الطبخ المغربي 2.0
تطبيق مليء باشهى والد الاطباق العصريةوالتقليدية مع مقادير وطرق تحضيرهاوصفات طبخ مغربية : مواضيع ونصائح تهم المرأة في شتى المجالاتكالصحة,التغذية,الأناقة والجمال ومجالات أخرى , يقدم لالة وصفاتالطبخبالصور، و يقدم طريقة تحضير وموقع المراة العربية,lalamolatiطبخ مغربي,العصري او البلدي و شهيوات وبريوات طاجين وشباكيةغريبةالمطبخchhiwat bladichhiwate choumichachhiwat marochalawiyatApplication is full ofakick and the father of modern and traditional dishes withtheamounts and methods of preparationRecipes Moroccan cooking: themes and tips of interest to womeninvarious fields such as health, nutrition, elegance and beautyandother areas, provides for his family and cooking recipeswithpictures, and provides a way to prepare the site of Arabwomen,lalamolatiMoroccan cooking, modern or municipal and Shahyoat andbriouatTagine strange kitchen and chebakiachhiwat bladichhiwate choumichachhiwat marochalawiyat
الطبخ العربي 2.0
نضع بين يديك سيدتي أول تطبيق عربي شامللمجملالوصفات و الأطباق من كافة المطابخ العربية من أطباق عريقة ومشهورةبالدول العربية إلى العصائر و المثلجات و كذا الحلويات والكعكاتالتقليدية منها و العصريةكما تجديين سيدتي وصفات مختصرة و دقيقة فيي آن واحد .كما يوجد فيتطبيقالطبخ العربي أزيد من 100 وصفة عربية موزعة على الأصنافالتالية:*مملحات*سلطات*مثلجات*حلويات*كعكات*أطباق محلية*أطباق عالمية*عصائر*مشروبات*وغيرها...يتوفر تطبيق الطبخ العربي على أدق التفاصيل التي تحتاجيينها سيدتيمنأجل تحضير إحدى الوصفات من وقت التحضير الى وقت الطهي و كذاعددالأشخاص المقدر للوجبةتجدين سيدتي في كل وصفة المختصر المفيد الذي يساعدك في الحصول علىنظرةشاملة للوصفة و كذا لائحة المقادير و أخيرا طريقة التحضير خطوةبخطوةالى تقديم الطبقو بهذا يكون تطبيق الطبخ العربي أول تطبيق عربي للطبخ شامل منحيثالمعطيات و الوصفات إلى الدول التي يغطي مطابخهايسعدنا مشاركة رأيك بالتطبيق عبر التقييم و ترك تعليقKeep your handsmadamfirst application of the overall comprehensive Arabic recipesanddishes from all Arab kitchens of ancient dishes and famousArabcountries to juices and desserts as well as ice cream andcookiesand traditional and modern onesAs Tjdaan Madam recipes concise and accurate VII once. Also foundinthe application of the Arab cooking more than 100 Arab andrecipedistributed on the following items:* Mmlhat* Authorities* Sundae* Sweets* Cakes* Local dishes* International cuisine* Juices* Drinks* And other ...Arab cooking application available on the finer detailsthatThtagyanha madam in order to prepare one of the recipes fromtimeto preparation and cooking time as well as the estimated numberofpeople for the mealMadam you find in each recipe useful manual that helps you to getacomprehensive overview of the recipe and as well as the listofingredients and method of preparation finally step by step tomakethe dishArab cooking and this application is the first application ofacomprehensive Arabic for cooking in terms of data and recipestothe States which covers kitchensWe are delighted to share your opinion through the applicationandassessment to leave a comment
وصفات الطبخ العربي 2.0
نضع بين يديك سيدتي أول تطبيق عربي شامللمجملالوصفات و الأطباق من كافة المطابخ العربية من أطباق عريقة ومشهورةبالدول العربية إلى العصائر و المثلجات و كذا الحلويات والكعكاتالتقليدية منها و العصريةكما تجديين سيدتي وصفات مختصرة و دقيقة فيي آن واحد .كما يوجد فيتطبيقوصفات الطبخ العربي أزيد من 100 وصفة عربية موزعة علىالأصنافالتالية:*مملحات*سلطات*مثلجات*حلويات*كعكات*أطباق محلية*أطباق عالمية*عصائر*مشروبات*وغيرها...يتوفر تطبيق وصفات الطبخ العربي على أدق التفاصيل التيتحتاجيينهاسيدتي من أجل تحضير إحدى الوصفات من وقت التحضير الى وقتالطهي و كذاعدد الأشخاص المقدر للوجبةتجدين سيدتي في كل وصفة المختصر المفيد الذي يساعدك في الحصول علىنظرةشاملة للوصفة و كذا لائحة المقادير و أخيرا طريقة التحضير خطوةبخطوةالى تقديم الطبقو بهذا يكون تطبيق وصفات الطبخ العربي أول تطبيق عربي للطبخ شاملمنحيث المعطيات و الوصفات إلى الدول التي يغطي مطابخهايسعدنا مشاركة رأيك بالتطبيق عبر التقييم و ترك تعليقمع تحيات .BGD LtdKeep your handsmadamfirst application of the overall comprehensive Arabic recipesanddishes from all Arab kitchens of ancient dishes and famousArabcountries to juices and desserts as well as ice cream andcookiesand traditional and modern onesAs Tjdaan Madam recipes concise and accurate VII once. Also foundinthe application of the Arab cooking recipes more than 100 Arabandrecipe distributed on the following items:* Mmlhat* Authorities* Sundae* Sweets* Cakes* Local dishes* International cuisine* Juices* Drinks* And other ...Application and Arab cooking recipes to the finest detailthatThtagyanha madam in order to prepare one of the recipes fromthepreparation to the cooking time and time available as well astheestimated number of people for the mealMadam you find in each recipe useful manual that helps you to getacomprehensive overview of the recipe and as well as the listofingredients and method of preparation finally step by step tomakethe dishAnd this is the application of the Arab Cooking Recipes Arabicfirstcomprehensive application of the data in terms of cookingandrecipes to the States which covers kitchensWe are delighted to share your opinion through the applicationandassessment to leave a commentGreetings .BGD Ltd